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Very cute! After I was living in bread mountain, I challenged myself to knock every bread off of the world until I was the best and only bread shiba.

shiba bread is the one and only true bread :3

thank you :D




amazing game! I LOVE IT but like the one below this one pls add more and even maybe diffrent maps that more bigger

thank you! :D

hm i'm unsure if i'll expand on this but i may consider it in the future huhu ~ thanks! :D


It's a funny sandbox game, just I wish there is more.
Maybe there could be a bomb shiba.
Or a toaster shiba.

thank you :D

was a silly thing i made in 1 day without any plans (or much ideas hm) to practice godot physics huhu ~

but i guess it could be a silly 3D platformer thing if i wanted to try something hmmm